Unveiling the Art of Concealment: How to Hide and Unhide Games on Your Gaming Platform

Gaming platforms offer a plethora of gaming experiences, but sometimes you may want to hide certain games for various reasons. In this guide, we'll explore the intricacies of hiding and unhiding games on your preferred gaming platform, empowering you to curate your gaming library with ease.

Understanding the Need for Game Concealment

Whether it's to declutter your gaming library, maintain privacy, or restrict access to certain content, there are several reasons why you might want to hide games on your gaming platform. Understanding the importance of game concealment can help you better manage your gaming experience and tailor it to your preferences.

Hiding Games: A Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Accessing Your Gaming Library

To begin, navigate to your gaming platform's library or game management section. This is where you'll find a list of all the games currently installed on your system.

Step 2: Selecting the Game to Hide

Identify the game you wish to hide from your library. Once selected, look for options or settings related to managing individual games.

Step 3: Hiding the Game

Within the game's settings or options menu, you should find an option to hide the game from your library. Select this option to conceal the game from view.

Step 4: Confirming Your Selection

Confirm your decision to hide the game when prompted. Once confirmed, the game will no longer be visible in your gaming library.

Unhiding Games: Bringing Hidden Gems Back to Light

Step 1: Accessing Hidden Games

To unhide a game, access the settings or options menu of your gaming platform and navigate to the section for managing hidden games.

Step 2: Selecting the Game to Unhide

Locate the game you wish to unhide from your hidden games list. Once identified, select the game to proceed with unhiding.

Step 3: Unhiding the Game

Within the game's settings or options menu, you should find an option to unhide the game. Select this option to restore the game to your gaming library.

Step 4: Confirming Your Selection

Confirm your decision to unhide the game when prompted. Once confirmed, the game will be visible again in your gaming library.


Mastering the art of hiding and unhiding games on your gaming platform allows you to take control of your gaming experience and tailor it to your preferences. Whether you're decluttering your library, maintaining privacy, or managing access to certain content, knowing how to conceal and reveal games empowers you to curate a gaming library that reflects your unique tastes and preferences.

Attribution Statement:

This article is a modified version of content originally posted on Contrank.

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